
INFO Accreditation

Since the year 2000 several members of The International Natural Fiber Organization (INFO) have been active members of the Inter-Governmental Group on Hard Fibers (Abaca, Coir and Sisal) and the Inter-Governmental Group on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibers of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO), Jointly UN FAO IGG on JACKS+ Fibers. 

INFO is accredited by UN FAO to participate in meetings as an observer. In this capacity INFO can contribute to all discussions of the FAO meetings.  



The International Year of Natural Fiber – 2009

The INFO members initiated at the UN FAO IGG on JACKS+ fibers meeting and were the driving force in getting a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly (UN GA) that declared 2009as the International Year of Natural Fibers.
INFO members were in the international steering committee that supported the  secretariat of the UN FAO IGG on JACKS+ fibers in organizing several international events in JACKS+ fiber producing countries.