High Level delegation to UN FAO in Rome.
In preparation for the planned UN FAO IGG meeting to be held in May 2024 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, INFO organized a meeting at the FAO head-quarters in Rome for a delegation from the Peoples Republic of China. A 10 persons high level delegation consisting of officials, including the Deputy Secretary, of the People’s Government of Hunan Province, China and the management team of the Institute of Bast Fiber crops, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Changsha, Hunan Province and INFO met with several departments within the FAO. They also met the Director of the Markets & Trade division of the FAO and the team members of the secretariat of the IGG on JACKS+ fiber.
The meetings were held on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March 2024 at the FAO Rome.
The delegation also met with Dr. Qu Dongyu, the Director General of the FAO, to discuss matters related the JACKS+ fiber development and South-South Cooperation.