Events & Meetings

2024 INFO & UN FAO IGG JACKS+ meeting
in Salvador Brazil

INFO held a strategy meeting and a welcome dinner in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil on Sunday 26th May 2024. This was followed by the UN FAO Inter-Governmental Group on Hard Fibers (Abaca, Coir and Sisal) and the Inter-Governmental Group on Jute, Kenaf & Allied Fibers, (jointly called JACKS+ fibers) from 27 to 29 may 2024 at the Federation of Industry of Bahia (FIEB), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

The Federal Government of Brazil, supported by the State of Bahia, informed the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that they extend invitation to all members of the FAO to attend the joint meeting of the 41th Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibers (Abaca, Coir and Sisal) and the 43nd Session of the Inter-governmental Group on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibers.
The IGG meeting was attended by 52 delegates from several countries.
Mr. Wilson Andrade (Brazil) was elected the chairperson.
Mr. Chunsheng Hou (the Peoples Republic of China) as 1st vice-chairperson.
Mr. Dickson Kibata (Kenya) was elected the 2nd vice-Chairperson.

The joint IGG meetings was followed by a seminar, Advanced Applications of and aspects of Climate Change impact on Sisal, Jute and Coir Fiber).

The seminar was organized by INFO and Union of Vegetable Fiber Industries in the State of Bahia  (SINDIFIBRAS) on 29th May. Subsequently a field visit to a sisal farm and a sisal fiber production site was also organized on Thursday 30th May 2024.